April 9-15 2012 Update

16 04 2012


April 2-8 2012 Update

16 04 2012

By: K

March 26 – April 1 2012 Update

4 04 2012

By: K


February 13-19 2012 Update

22 02 2012

By: K

Sorry for the late update, I’ve been extremely busy. I am trying to get a new job, so I’ve been going crazy with that.

Wednesday, January 11th, 2012

12 01 2012

By: K

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

11 01 2012


Monday, January 9th, 2012

10 01 2012


Sunday, January 8th 2012

9 01 2012


What I’ll be doing from here on out is more of a small daily update with my results for the day and at the end of the week having a wrap up for the week. This way I am keeping you guys informed on a more daily basis. Enjoy!

Today’s Stats

I lost another pound! 197 lbs! Slowly making my progress back to 170!

A Quick Question…

8 01 2012


Just a quick question for anyone who might know… what is this thing called so I can put it into my exercise journal?

Weekly Update: January 1-7, 2012

8 01 2012


It’s good to be back and blogging about my experiences trying to get back into shape. This week has been an amazing, refreshing experience in the world of exercise as I have discovered something that will surely make my motivation skyrocket. I recently got the Samsung Galaxy S II for an early Christmas present and I’ve been obsessed with apps (as most are when they get one of these phones). I was turned to this app called “My fitness Pal” which allows you to monitor your exercise and diet in order to achieve a better, healthier life. It’s been amazing and it’s incredibly intuitive.

The greatest thing about my phone is the screenshot ability, so I can take screen shots of each day’s progress and post them here. I’m going to start doing this, but for this week, I’m just going to post all my results together in one article. I started using the program on wednesday. Here’s how it works: when you start the program you’re asked to put in your weight, your goal weight (I weighed 200 when starting and want to get to 170) and it also asks how often you plan on exercising (I said 5 days a week). After all the info is entered, the program gives you a set calorie count that you should strive to stay under for each day. It keeps a count of your food calories and exercise calories by having you enter in the foods you eat and the exercises you do. You can even use your phone camera to scan the barcode if you have one available on the food you’re eating for fast and easy entries.

Here are each day’s end results.

As you can see, some days I’ve gone over my allotted calorie count and other days I’ve been under it. This is my full week as well as the average (Which is the very right bar)

My average for the week shows to be far below, but at the same time, I didn’t get the program until wednesday, so Monday and Tuesday are blank. It also appears to put monday as the first day of the week, rather than saturday, so I might change my schedule of entries for Sunday nights rather than Saturday nights.

Either way, This is a great way to motivate yourself to get in shape. You can even get friends via the program who also use it and you can see their progress, so it’s just another way to motivate yourself to keep up pace with your friends. You can also view my public profile here.

Also, more good news. Since I started exercising again, I have indeed lost 2 lbs. So this diet/exercise regiment I’m on seems to really be helping. Before too long, I’ll be back in shape and in better shape than ever before, so stay tuned!

Thanks again to all of those who actually still follow me. I know it’s been a while, but after some emotional times, I’m glad to be back in the game and getting fit once again. It means a lot to have those who watch as I do this.